West Oxford Animal Rescue
is Registered Charity No 1045203
West Oxford Animals Rescue Centre

phone: 01865 438128 / emergency mobile: 07989713252
The West Oxford Animals Rescue Centre (WOARC) is a small charity, which was started by Janet Fisher in the mid-1970s, with the rescue of two small kittens. Since then, many thousands of unwanted, stray and injured animals have passed through the Rescue. WOARC's priority is to rescue such animals, and then foster, rehome or release them, as appropriate. We operate, mainly, within the local area, but, sometimes, further afield.
Every year we receive a large number of calls, reporting animals in need, and we offer them safety and treatment, until they can be rehomed or released. This work involves, at different times : relocating wild animals, such as foxes and badgers, during environmental changes ; helping people on the streets of Oxford, and their dogs ; "pet-sitting", while the owner is in hospital ; helping owners with veterinary treatment costs ; and much more. Donations, for these purposes, are always most welcome.
We are also proud to provide a top-class Holidays Feeding Service : every pound that is raised, through that, goes straight to helping animals in need. Another important source of funding is our Charity Shop in Eynsham, which is managed by Nicky and staffed by volunteers.
The major part of our work is made possible by the generosity of the public – thank you for your support!

Many pets arrive at the Rescue, every week (mainly cats, guinea pigs and rabbits, but also dogs, hamsters, chinchillas and others), and all of them need a loving home. Many of them are rescued from ill treatment, and may need veterinary care, which could include vaccination, worming, microchipping, and/or neutering. By giving one of them such a home, you could change the rest of its life. If you are looking for a pet, then call Janet, on 01865 438128 (after 4.30pm), for details of those currently available.
Please do not visit Janet, without telephoning, first : this is to ensure that someone will be there, to help you, and to prevent a wasted journey. We will, of course, need to discuss your domestic arrangements with you, so as to match you with the right pet.
We rescue, arrange treatment for, and rehabilitate thousands of sick, injured and orphaned wild animals and birds, every year. When they have been restored to good health, we release them, back into the wild.